Wednesday, March 17, 2010


ARCSABER Z-SLASH smash speed of 421 km/h is certificated as the world record!!

[Topix] …2010/03/11
YONEX Co. Ltd. (HQ: Tokyo, President: Ben Yoneyama) is proud of announcing that Guinness World RecordsTM certified the fastest badminton hit (male) is 421 km/h (261.6 mph) by Tan Boon Heong (Malaysia) using ARCSABER Z-SLASH on September 26th, 2009.

ARCSABER Z-SLASH is the first of a new generation of slim racquets which has reduced air resistance whilst providing maximum smash speed. We already had recorded a smash speed over 400 km/h at the speed test in the development stage. (Tested by nac Image Technology Inc.)

In September, 2009, YONEX Co. Ltd. shot the moment of Tan Boon Heong (Malaysia)’s smash using ultrahigh-speed camera. The camera can shoot 20000-exposure a second. We calculated the initialspeed of shuttlecocks by the photography records.

As a result, the record for the initial speed of badminton smashes, at 421km/h has been certificated by Guinness World RecordsTM. On March 8th, the President of YONEX Co. Ltd., Ben Yoneyama received the certification.

Posted via web from MaitraJeevache's posterous

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